Tuesday, December 6, 2011

In the Blink of an Eye

Let me start out by saying "wow." It has been almost a month since I have blogged and I do not even know where to begin. My little guy has done so much growing this last month, it just does not seem real. One day he was this little helpless squirming, rolly polly and now he is a crawling, climbing, fearless little guy. I can't believe my baby is getting so BIG!

He is definitely keeping mommy VERY busy. When he is not pulling out all of his clothes from his drawers, he is crawling all over the house climbing up the coffee table, the couch, the shelves, and even the wall. Anything that he can grab onto to help him stand, hes climbing up it.

I feel I can NEVER express enough how grateful I am to be able to stay home with my son and watch him grow. The changes occur daily and it just amazes me how fast time is flying by. I'm afraid to blink because I am afraid I will all of a sudden notice my baby has turned into a boy, and then boom into a man.  I suppose that is just how it does though. Everyone tells you, slow down and enjoy it while it lasts. And I will now be attesting to that! Do not rush your babies, for they will never be this little and innocent again.

Enzo with his cousin just a month ago
Look at him now! No boppy needed!

Besides normal mommy duties, and general life I have been working real hard on my "dreams/ goals" whatever you want to refer to them as. I've (TOOT MY OWN HORN) now have run my second 5k with my 3rd tomorrow night. I am now even lower than my pre-preggo weight. I feel so good! So strong! SO happy! I was doing eh with my reading when along came Mr. Kindle and got me completely off track! I can't really complain. I love to read, and so what if I throw in a new book here and there. I was tired of everyone talking about how good The Help was, and I just love Chelsea Handler and felt I was doing her an injustice by watching her show and NOT reading her books. So I did, I read them. And I read a baby book to try to help me figure out how to get my nearly 8 month old son to learn how to sleep. ( in process, i will have to update on this later) Have I mentioned I love reading? I really do. So much more than I love watching TV, exercising, even eating chocolate... which really is HUGE.

Sometimes I feel like I have ADD and just need to refocus. So enough about my obsession with reading, I have also been working on a little business idea, and the Honey and I have decided to start talking wedding after the New Year. So many exciting things to look forward to in 2012! Well that is all for tonight, I will slowly get this blog to where I would like to be.


my loves at my brothers wedding
Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

It's Just One of Those Days

I know I am not the only SAHM that has days like mine today. Days where you're tired of cleaning up, tired of never ending laundry, tired of always being the one being depended on for everything. I am just so. damn. tired.

 I get that this is my "job" and all but what others **AHEM..hunny..** don't always seem to understand is I NEVER get a lunch break, I never have a day off, I don't get PTO. Every minute I have in the day is taken up by some chore or someone else.

Most of the time I have no problem with this. Majority of the time I actually enjoy it. I love staying home with my son. I love when he falls asleep in my arms as I rock him to bed every night. It is just that, like everyone else, I need a break sometimes. But if I take a break from cleaning up after my "roommates" it just piles up and is more work for me another day. And lets face it, its impossible to take a break from being a mom. All I want is to go work out, come home to my clean house, take a nice looooooong, uninterupted shower, curl up on the couch, alone, TV off, and read my book. What I wouldn't give for 5 hours of peace and alone quite! Of course if I spent the entire night before up with Enzo, and 7 hours cleaning up that morning, that 5 hours of "peace" is wasted as I just try to de-stress and muster up some amount of energy.

I feel so guilty complaining. I have so much to be happy and thankful for and I really am. I am just having one of those days where I with I was here..
Oh to dream! 
xoxo -Leah

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Enzo's been sleeping a lot today, poor thing got his shots yesterday. This happens every time he gets shots, he sleeps a ton the next day. Normally I'd want him to be up during the day but I had a To-Do List a mile long today as I was under the weather all weekend. As I was cleaning up today I had on OWN on the TV and was listening to some of the most disturbing stories. Stories of mothers who lost all their children, young girls forced into prostitution. Sick. Sick stories. Even worse they are true stories. It made me not only feel sad for these women but it made me really see how blessed I am. I am so thankful for my life.
For my son, 
my hunny, 
our families, 
my friends,
my dogs, 
our health,
our safety. 
I am thankful for so much. 

During November I go through my clothes and take items to goodwill and donate food to food pantry's. Since I am not working this year and funds are low I don't know how much I will be able to give. I do know that any bit I give is more than others have. I urge everyone to go through their closets and if you haven't worn it in a year, donate it! Have a recipe for cookies that your dying to try but don't want to eat them all?? Bake 'em and bring them to a hospital or church. Actually I don't know if they take random foods but its an idea a friend of mine had and it sounded great to me!

I am so excited for the next couple of months. So much happiness in store. This weekend coming up my brother is marrying the love of his life and I could. not. be. happier! Then we've got family birthdays and Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, Christmas, New Years! And all the fun in between! Tiring just thinking about it....time for bed. xoxo

Most thankful for my son

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

To TV or Not to TV

Have you read it? It was front page news...According to the American Academy of Pediatricians television viewing for those under 2 can have "negative effects." The article claims it MAY cause language delays, as well as negative effects on learning, language, play, mood and behavior. Do you agree?

I Don't.

That being said, I do not think there is much that is detrimental to you....in MODERATION. I grew up watching cartoons, and Disney movies over and over...and over and over again. I also grew up reading books and playing outside. I think that as long as you don't use your TV as a babysitter, and keep you child active so they don't become fatty couch potatoes, no harm done.

Since not one article shows any ACTUAL data I argue that correlation does NOT equal a cause. The majority of the USA is over weight. Cause? McDonald's? TV? No, it is personal habit. Most likely TAUGHT and NURTURED by a parent. Come on parents! It is time to get active and stop using your laziness as an excuse for your child's short comings.

If I am an parent who sits on my couch all day watching soaps eating chips and cookies, drinking soda, not paying any attention to my child, not talking to them, taking them out to experience the world OF COURSE s/he is going to have a smaller vocabulary, be more over weight, and have a harder time interacting with other people. That does not mean the TV is to blame. The TV didn't tie me down to the couch, shove food down my throat so I couldn't communicate with my child or take them to the park.

One person I spoke with that is pro-no TV said that they believed that TV was bad because of "all the talking, babies couldn't differentiate the difference between reality and fantasy" WTF? Seriously? It's a damn baby, an amazing baby, but a baby. They poop and eat EVERYTHING that ends up in their hands. They only know what they can hold and see. As for MY opinion on the "noise." What culture is quiet... NO talking? In fact, how did our ancestors get anything done with babies? They hid them in their caves? Nooooo they carried them around, wore their babies as they picked berries and farmed. Did they do this silently? Noooooo. Did the babies grow up to be idiots? Nooooo Did the babies never sleep because people were talking? Noooo

Here is my conclusion. TV is not going to harm your child, YOU are going to harm your child IF you don't keep moderation and common sense in your lives.

A little psych lesson to end the night:
Schema is everything that you know. Grass is green= schema. That fuzzy thing=dog=schema. You like grapes=schema. EVERYthing you know is call schema. The more you are exposed to the more connections you make to your schema. The more connections the "smarter" you are.

FACT: Adults that were blind and can corrective surgery almost always can not be taught to see. Children born blind who have corrective surgery can almost always been taught to see. WHY?? Their brains are still developing.

My advice: expose your children to EVERYTHING (use common sense) they may not understand a Dali painting, but they are seeing it, it is forming a schema in their brain. Maybe they relate it to art, maybe they relate it to you, maybe they see the color red, and they match that with their red bear, and when they see an apple its red. Whatever makes those connections stronger is beneficial to you and your child.

Your welcome. xoxo

Friday, October 21, 2011

Friday night + Motherhood= this blog

Little man is sleeping. Big man is out with the other men, doing manly things. And I am home. Alone. Bored.

I still have not gotten out of my P.J.'s.. and the possibility of that happening is quickly dwindling.

Don't you just love those lazy days? Where you say "to hell" with the To-Do-List and "welcome" cozy blanket, tray of pumpkin brownies, and laptop.

I set up Enzo on the floor with a couple comforters, and just about every toy he has and he and I just hung out played/Pinterest-ed all day.

I have to admit I have a few  obsessions at the moment:
Pumpkin foods



Obvi. Enzo


If you haven't checked out this site, well you should stop reading this and go check it out right now. I am so hooked. What a great place to go to get ideas and inspiration for everything from fashion to DIY to education and I am sure a bunch of other stuff that I just have not gotten to yet.

These are just a few of my favorites. Those string balls will make great center pieces, the monster tissue boxes would be great for a kiddy project, and the every year/every love picture is something I want to start for Enzo every birthday. And finally Enzo's 6 month photo. Gosh I adore that child!

I have found so many great ideas for Enzo's first birthday.

YES, I know it is 6 months away

No, I do not care.

I think what I want to do is a carnival theme for his birthday. The invitations will be tickets, we'll serve hot dogs, and popcorn and if I have my way well have cotton candy. Oh do I love cotton candy.
Obvi I know Enzo won't be old enough to play games, or even remember his party but to me every year your alive is worth celebrating. Since Enzo and his buddies will all be to young to partake in any game I want to set up kid friendly, adult fun carnival themed games for everyone else to enjoy. I am so excited already about planning birthday parties, and Halloween parties, and Christmas parties for the kiddos as he and whatever siblings come about grow up.

until next time! xoxo

Monday, October 10, 2011

Way.Whey. Weigh.

UGH. I have never been one to be concerned about numbers. I always hated math.
And now I am here day after day agonizing over numbers. my weight. I hated it.
As if there aren't a million other things way more important than how much I weigh. But every time I go to eat a meal, snack, cook, feed Enzo, glimpse at myself in the mirror, let the dogs out, ALL THE DAMN TIME, this stupid number comes up and starts knocking on my mind. Bringing my attention to the fact I am not as small as I once was. My clothes do not fit as well as they once did. And most frustrating is my self confidence is not where it used to be. 

I got to thinking about this last night as I lay in bed, aggravated my favorite cozy pants were to tight to sleep in, that it is just so ridiculous that I have let this consume so much of my time and thoughts. I am the only one who knows my weight. I alone hold that secret number. Others can guess. They can assume. But only I know it. annnnnd why do I even know this number????

Because I torture myself by weighing myself hourly, daily, weekly, whatever.

That stops today. I have way more important things, dogs, people, to  spend my time thinking about.
I know I need to just focus on living a healthy lifestyle, and more importantly being the best mommy, partner, and friend I can be. I am tired about blogging about my weight or losing it. I just need to stop thinking about it so much. So here goes some conscious effort to stop.....until next time xoxo

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Have a Nice Trip, See You in The Fall

Plate of bacon for breakfast? Don't mind if I do...

Not the best(healthiest) way to start a normal morning but today was a rainy, COOL and BREEZY, lazy,  full plate of bacon breakfast appropriate morning. Fall is trying so hard to make its precious little way down to Florida. Florida's Sunshine is putting up quite a fight though. Today the rain whipped the heat and sun to the back burner...supposed to stay cool (mind you cool is still in the high to mid 70's) for the next couple of days before the heat and sun return.

I really do not mind the heat. I absolutely LOVE living in Florida. I love the way the sun feels on your skin, the beaches, the pretty palm trees, and the postcard views over any and all bridges. But, being a New Yorker at heart (grew up there) I do yearn for the change of season. Especially the fall season! I miss the leaves changing, the trips out east to pick pumpkins, picking apples by the barrel! OH I MISS IT!! In effort to combat my bout of homesickness this time of year I immerse myself, and my house in all things fall. My fridge is stocked with pumpkin spice creamer, pumpkin spice bakes oatmeal, and pumpkin coffee. Apples have taken over my fruit bowl. I've stocked up on fall scented candles, my house decorated for Halloween/fall. And I even got a bale of hay for my pumpkins to sit on for our front porch. So festive and I love it.

I went this week with a friend of mine to pick up a pumpkin and take some pictures of our little ones for Halloween. Enzo is going to be a little pumpkin for Halloween and he seriously could not be any cuter! He was a little confused at first when I sat him down in between a pile of pumpkins but all in all I believe he will grow up loving the season too. When he gets a little older we will have to start taking trips up north so he can experience the change of the leaves and apple picking.
Smile baby!

I want that pumpkin in the middle!
 I am just so excited about sharing all my favorite traditions with my son. I am even more excited about starting our own as a family.  It is truly amazing how this little person, who has barely been in our lives 6 months can change and brighten up our lives more and more everyday. Does every mother feel this way? I sure hope so!I always knew I wanted to be a mother, I just never knew how much meaning it would give my life. I wake up every morning wanting to be better person, and go to sleep every night thankful that I have such supportive amazing people in my life that give me the drive to be better. Thank you everyone of you.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Make it a family affair!

Last weekend I was talking to my hunny about all I want to accomplish and how challenging it is when I just want to give our son all of my time and energy. He came up with the GREATEST idea. Being the competitive guy he is he suggested a "challenge." He too wants to live a healthier lifestyle (which is one of the things I wanted to do) and so we decided to do it together. So every evening when he gets home from work the three of us workout everyday. We try to do something different every day. Some days well do different workouts at home, some days we will go to the beach and I will run with Enzo, and he will swim with sharks. And I even introduced him to yoga ( my fav!!).  Me being who I am decided to take this whole challenge thing UP A NOTCH and challenge myself with three simultaneous challenges to help get my life simplified.
Our beach run view

With all the baby stuff fitting it's way into our life and our house everything seems out of sorts. Instead of stressing about getting everything done I've decided to take the next few weeks and each day organize just one drawer, one closet, or one room.

I am still on the road to finish all my unfinished projects. I still can not believe how many times I start something, and then put it away to be forgotten before it is done. So now, for the next three weeks each day I work on one project. Be it reading a little to finish another book, something crafty, or an errand I've needed to take care of for a while.
One of the projects I finished this week

As for our healthy lifestyle challenge, we are working out every single day and I am cooking us one new healthy meal a day. A friend of mine introduced to the green monster and I must say I am hooked. What a great way to eat your greens! Also we have been trying new foods each week. Last week we started on a chia seed kick. These great little seeds for full or protein and Omega-3's. They are great in smoothies, soups and on yogurt. We are also getting Enzo in our healthy lifestyle! We are starting the solid food introduction and are making our own homemade organic baby food. My little herbivore just L.O.V.E's peas!!...Yuck! haha But I am glad he prefers healthy choices over sweet tastes like apples and mango's. I know it will just be a matter of time until he is a chocoholic like me....Anywho!  I know a lifestyle is a permanent change, not just three weeks. But the three weeks it just to establish a habit.

Are you looking to change a habit or two??

Thursday, September 15, 2011

A little bit of sunshine is all you need

Nothing revitalizes a person like a few days at the beach. The fresh ocean air, the peaceful sound waves crashing against the shore make, and not having a care in the world….(except for Enzo of course) AHHH a little piece of heaven on earth!

This past Tuesday was my honey’s birthday and we decided to get away for a few days down in MIAMI. We found an AWESOME deal on groupon.com. LOVE  that site. They hooked us up with an ocean front suite on the beach 11 stories up AND threw in a bottle of champagne, 2 massages at the spa, and breakfast buffet every morning; all for pennies, basically. We have needed a getaway for some time now. The stresses of being new to motherhood (fatherhood for Narcis), life in general and such can really get to a person.  Mental health is so important.
Our view
Our only family photo, I need to get better with that

The weekend prior to our mini vacay I ran my first 5k! Excuse me while I toot my own horn, TOOT TOOT, I ran the ENTIRE time! I came in 229 out of 342… For me that is a fantastic outcome as I thought I would surely come in last. The best part was seeing my loves at the finish line rooting me on! Unfortunately I have no pictures to share because I forgot to charge the camera.

I also finished another book, The Key to Rebecca. I had never heard of it before. I am not even sure how it ended up in our house, but it is a great read. It has everything! Action, Love, Sex, Espionage, Betrayal, Suspense. The story takes place in WWII, and I love stories about this era. I got into it after reading Anne Frank’s Diary back in 5th grade. Well, Enzo is up and all he wants to do is sit up and play nowadays…and I am PARANOID he is going to fall back and knock himself out…so to play baby catcher I go! Until next time, ciao!  
5 Months

A little sunshine is all you need

Nothing revitalizes a person like a few days at the beach. The fresh ocean air, the peaceful sound waves crashing against the shore make, and not having a care in the world….(except for Enzo of course) AHHH a little piece of heaven on earth! 

This past Tuesday was my honey’s birthday and we decided to get away for a few days down in MIAMI. We found an AWESOME deal on groupon.com. LOVE  that site. They hooked us up with an ocean front suite on the beach 11 stories up AND threw in a bottle of champagne, 2 massages at the spa, and breakfast buffet every morning; all for pennies, basically. We have needed a getaway for some time now. The stresses of being new to motherhood (fatherhood for Narcis), life in general and such can really get to a person.  Mental health is so important. 
Our view

Our only family photo..need to get better with that..

The weekend prior to our mini vaycay I ran my first 5k! Excuse me while I toot my own horn, TOOT TOOT, I ran the ENTIRE time! I came in 229 out of 342… For me that is a fantastic outcome as I thought I would surely come in last. The best part was seeing my loves at the finish line rooting me on! Unfortunately I have no pictures to share because I forgot to charge the camera. 

I also finished another book, The Key to Rebecca. I had never heard of it before. I am not even sure how it ended up in our house, but it is a great read. It has everything! Action, Love, Sex, Espionage, Betrayal, Suspense. The story takes place in WWII, and I love stories about this era. I got into it after reading Anne Frank’s Diary back in 5th grade. Well, Enzo is up and all he wants to do is sit up and play nowadays…and I am PARANOID he is going to fall back and knock himself out…so to play baby catcher I go! Until next time, ciao!  
Enzo 5 months :)

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Ready or Not Here I Come...

“Wake up Leah, it’s midnight” As a little girl I loved to hear those words. It meant two things: food and Dad was home. He would make me all sorts of different midnight snacks. Sometimes it would be is homemade sauce and meatballs, sometimes cinnamon sugar on buttery English muffins. Whatever it was, I ate it and the time I got to spend with my dad, up. We would sit in the kitchen and talk and eat. I don’t remember a single thing we talked about.  My dad and I always had pointless, fun conversations. He was always more of a friend than a father to me.  Growing up my mom was the disciplinarian. She would yell at me to clean my room and when I didn’t she would come in armed with a garbage bag and her “I’ll show you” attitude and take all my toys to throw them away. I would cry and cry of course because how can any little girl live without her Barbie dream house? Her real life peeing baby doll? Sometime after I would cry myself to sleep my Dad would go out and bring in my toys.  I can’t say I agreed with my mom’s parenting style. I kept my room a mess until I lived on my own, now it’s spotless and I even make my bed every day…… who would have thought?? But I thought the world of my Dad, he was my hero.
Pops and I a few years back
Over the years my Dad has always been there for me when I really needed him. Whenever I was stuck, in over my head, he was there for me.  Not  “there” in the right by my side kind of way, but there as in I could always call him up and he’d listen.  You see, in the past 26 years of my life I have seen my dad maybe for 10 of them, in the last 8 years I’ve seen him all of maybe 2 at most 3 weeks. Total. It’s shitty. I am not going to lie. I think it makes him a p.o.s. sometimes. I think he doesn’t have the slightest idea of what priorities are or what they should be. Over last 26 years of my life my dad has done some really REALLY shitty things. Things that make others think he’s a horrible father. Things that make it really hard to respect him. Things that I don’t know if I’ll ever get over.  Ya see, if it weren’t for the fact that I only have one dad, and I will never have another, I would probably never talk to him again. I have written this next part a few times. I wanted to share the shitty things he’s done. But honestly, I think everyone already knows.  And to tell you the truth, I have thought about it and Enzo won’t know those things.  When Enzo hears stories about his grandpa it is going to be only the good stories. Because who really wants to be remembered for all their mistakes? Not I. When you leave this world all that is really truly left behind is your story. Other people’s memories of you. I always lived my life as an open book for this reason. However, some stories aren’t really good portrayals of a person. Plus, I don’t want Enzo to think that type of behavior and disregard for others is acceptable.
I signed up for my first 5k for this Saturday. I am not ready, not by a long shot. I have never run that long all at one time. In fact I haven’t ran in about a month. I went to go the last two days but I’ve got Enzo and no babysitter so running in the rain just isn’t an option.  I figure I have something else to drive me though.  The race is for prostate cancer. Two years ago my Dad surprised with a visit on Father’s day to tell us he had it. He went though radiation and just finished it up a few months ago. God willing it is all out of his system and hasn’t spread anywhere. My dad didn’t have time to prepare for cancer. He also didn’t let it stop him. He went to work. He lived his life.  So what if I didn’t prepare to run a few measly miles? If I can do this to honor my toy saving, midnight snacking, old as dirt, no hair dad; I’d be honored to.

Monday, August 29, 2011

It's Not What You Look At, It's What You See

Keeping the "Mind over Matter" mentality is not easy. It just does not come natural to me. Always seeing the light at the end of the tunnel, the brighter sides of things, looking for the positives in negative situations...it takes conscious effort for me. I find it soooo much easier to dwell on the crap, bask in a horrible situation, or just complain about what is actually happening. Everyday, in most situations, I have to stop myself when these little evil thoughts come up  and say "Hey Leah, how do you wanna live?" and then ( I am warning you right now, this is VERY corny) I respond to myself  "Positive." And I have to say it very assertively or else I might not believe myself.

I even added pleats!
Lately, I have been real good about believing in myself. I've been enjoying the greenish grass I have. Enzo and I went to spend a few days at my moms for our own little mini "getaway." We enjoyed home cooked meals (by someone else) and my mom helped me finish a few more of my unfinished projects! WOO HOO!! I can now say I can make a shirt from a few yards of fabric, and a scarf. Now, I don't plan on going all Suzy Homemaker and making my own clothes or anything. But wow was it easy! Four maybe 5 or 6 years ago I bought this pattern and some fabric on sale with the intentions of making a shirt for an interview. I never got the interview and my shirt never made it past the cutting out the pattern phase. Turns out my arms are still to big for the sleeves I cut so I made it a sleeveless shirt instead. My honey was so surprised. He keeps telling me he loves how I am still able to surprise him. I really like that trait about myself. I am MULTIFACETED. I give credit to my mom for that. Growing up she made sure she entertained every interest I had from dance, to baton, to marine science and sign language. If I expressed an interest in it she made sure to sign me up for a class or enroll me in a group. She also never forced me to do anything so when I was done I never had to go back after I finished up whatever I committed to. This taught me two different types of lessons: first, it taught me how to hold a commitment and second, it helped create a well rounded individual. These are things I wish to teach Enzo as he grows up. I want to expose him to a multitude of "things." But not so much that he is ever over whelmed or interferes with his education. I never want to force him to do anything. However, I will be signing him up for soccer in 3 years....and then I will hope he loves it!
Made entirely from a t-shirt

***OHHHH!! I had almost forgot! I can cross something off my BID (Before I Die) List....I was a blonde for a day! Made me realize I LOVE my dark hair and it wont be going anywhere, anytime soon.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

A Cloud of Orange

Sorry I haven't updated in a while. Unfortunately there has not been much to update you on. I've had this nasty little black cloud following me around for a few weeks now. Today, however, I painted it ORANGE! I figure since my mood is nothing more than my state of mind than I need to take control of it and make it what I want. And I have always thought the color orange was such a happy and pretty color. So if anything is going to be following me around it needs to be happy and pretty with a little sparkle in it too.

I have so much to be grateful for. I have a fantastic little munchkin, a hard working honey, true friends, and supportive family. I truly am blessed. I believe my cloud is just full of frustration as I am trying to settle into my new life. I have always kept so busy working multiple jobs at once while going to school full time and keeping up a pretty busy social life. My brain and body was always on the go. My life now is feeling a little too habitual lately. And the monotony of everyday life has interfered with my dreams, my goals. But only because I had let it. So today I took control and started getting back on MY track. I had been working on completing some of the millions of projects I had started but never got around to finishing. I ordered something I can NOT wait to share with you all and I finished a couple of the books I was reading ( GO READ THREE CUPS OF TEA) and I finished the box I started...4 of them actually :)

This one I made from a shoe box
These I made from diaper boxes

The cloud hasn't been around me all day everyday at least. I have had many great hours with Enzo. We were playing dress up today...my cute little monkey! He truly is the light of my life. Staying home with him is a blessing. It takes a little sacrifice to be a stay at home mom. Financially, and mentally it can be very tolling. But it is worth everything to me to be able to raise my son and I thank God everyday for all he has blessed me with.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Rule of Five

Lately there have been a number of things bothering me. I usually have no trouble keeping a positive attitude but lately I have been unable to let go of some negative feelings I have.

Bummer #1  A couple of months ago I set a few goals and I have yet to meet them

Bummer #2  Having boundary issues with family

Bummer #3 This 100 degree weather, I miss being outside, comfortably.

Many years ago someone introduced to the Rule of Five. You can use the R of 5 to help you figure out if something is worth your time. Essentially you take a situation that is bothering you, for example, your mad you can not find your shoes. Then you think, will this effect me in 5 minutes: yes, you could be late if you don't find your shoes. Will this effect me in 5 days: No, whomever will understand. Will it effect me in 5 years? No, I will not remember this.

If I look at what is bugging me only bummer #1 and 2 pass the R of 5 test. Because, in 5 years if I don't solve these two issues there will be problems. Bummer #1 I know how to fix, I need to stop being lazy and really get on the ball. I have have set my goals and I know what I need to do. I just need to do it. Bummer #2 I just am at a loss for at the moment.  Come on Universe I need your help!
In Baby News Enzo is 4 months old today! I can not believe a short four months is is all that has passed. In some ways I feel like the time has flown by, in other ways I feel like he has always been apart of my life. Which, I guess in a way its true. He has been there the entire time of my new mommy life.
Day 1
1 Month

2 Months

3 Months    

Today, 4 Months

Monday, August 8, 2011

House Rules

1. If you open it, close it

2. If you turn it on, turn it off

3. If you break it, fix it

4. If you take it out, put it back

5. If you borrow it, return it

6. If you make a mess, clean it

7. If you have nothing nice to say, shut up

8. If it cries, love it

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Thoughts on Thursday

My grandparents have been married for over 60 years! 60 years! I can not even imagine how long that is because I have yet to be alive for even half of that time. Meet my grandpa today and he'll brag about how long him and my grandma have been together; and with good reason too. Divorce in this country seems to be just as prevalent as marriage it self. I myself have had to deal with the effects of divorce from a couple different perspectives. And if your one of the very few who haven't been personally affected by divorce let me tell you, it is not any fun.

After a string of failed relationships I asked my parents, who are divorced, "How do you know if you met the right one?" I expected to be laughed at, or ridiculed as both are not very lucky in the L-O-V-E department. But to my surprise they separately told me that infamous line..."you'll just know." WHAT THE HELL DOES THAT MEAN??

Let me tell you what it means.....It means "you'll just know"! You cannot describe it, the closest I can get to describing it, is it is like the love you have for your child, but different. It is like falling in love with a part of you that you did not know you had. It can happen randomly in the library at school, or at the grocery store. You just never know when, but once it happens...you just know, you know just know you met your match.

Happily Married After A Million Years!

Pops, Me, Momma

My Match and I knew each other since high school, way after college and a couple failed relationships later we became really close friends and then one day...it happened. I realized he wasn't just there when we were together, he somehow became a part of me. A better part of me. Yes we fight, we say mean things; but when I see those socks on the floor, and I turn red with anger because Ive told him a million times to put them in the hamper, I stop. Sit down. And remember that I rather have those socks on the floor because it means he's here, than to not have them at all.
One of our first "coupled" pictures

I am one lucky women to have such a great, loving, caring, and giving man in my life. He works so hard for our family and sacrifices so much. I appreciate him. I wish more men were like him so that more women could be this happy.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Oh, why Hello there August!

Did August catch up with you as fast as it did me? I swear it was just June, I do not even know what happened to July. Since I did not meet my July goals I think I'm going to just pretend July got lost somewhere out there. No sense of beating myself over something that I cannot change. Like that silly bamboo monkey says in the Lion King "It was in the past, it doesn't matter." So now, onto an Awesome August! Enzo turns 4 months this month and is doing just fabulous! He rolled over this morning for the second time. He is getting better at being alone and playing with himself for 15-20 minutes which is always just enough time for me to run through the house, pick up after honey bunny and wash the dishes. The rest of the chores are easy to do with one of those baby carriers.

In continuation of simplifying my life I've been working on Enzos room. Hes already out grown so many clothes I actually have 3 bins full of clothes!! He has this awesome book self in his room he got from his Auntie Ashley but his little baby books don't stand up neatly on it. It's been bothering me because I am an Enzo perfectionist ( I'm not a perfectionist about anything else in my life, just Enzo and his room) and it doesn't look appealing to MY eye. So here I have a mess and a bunch of diaper boxes. Whats a Momma to do?? Make awesome storage bins of course! I found this awesome little blog that helped me a ton. I will post pictures as soon as my little project is all finished.

This weekend I have plans to cross some things off my BID ( Before I Die) List. Im pretty excited. My exercising has gone down hill until this week. Life is crazy and the weather is too damn hot. With the lover working 24/7 there is no one to watch the babe during gym sessions. What is a girl to do?? I've decided to pump up my running since its something I can do with Enzo. And I am hoping it shows some results. Any hot mommas out there have any advice??

Monday, July 25, 2011

When One Book Closes, Another One Opens

Finally finished my book last night! I remember the days when I could sit at work and read a book a day (ya, I had a pretty lax job) Larsson's final book was definitely the best. I love to read action, CIA type books. One of my favorite authors is Vince Flynn and his Mitch Rapp series. I also love realistic controversial stories like those from Jodi Picoult. Today I started a book that I am not to sure about. It is called the Four Agreements. It's been recommended by a few people I know but I am usually not into self-help books so I guess we'll just have to see.

In other goal reaching news, I've been running 2+ miles a day, at a turtles pace, but still. My new goal is to up it to 3 miles starting next week. Hopefully Enzo will enjoy 3 miles as much as he loves 2 miles. I am not going to lie, it is probably the company I have that keeps him occupied. My son is 3 months old and is such a flirt! He's going for the older girls already too. I can't wait for him to be old enough to cheer us on. He is going to be my little personal trainer. I already have it all figured out; he'll keep me going and afterwards we will go get frozen yogurt. I think it sounds perfect so now I just have to wait and see how he feels in a few years. haha.

I was thinking yesterday that although I am working on my short term goals I haven't made any gains on my "bucket list" or my long term goals. Therefore, this week I will pick one and get to working on crossing it off my list. I don't know what it is about drawing that line through words that makes me feel accomplished but it is great.

Words Words Words Words
(Not the same feeling)

Thursday, July 21, 2011

To Sleep Or Not to Sleep, Who Am I Kidding? I Have No Choice.

So, again Enzo decided he wanted to work a swing shift and be up the entire night. sigh. I cannot express how much I miss sleeping. This constant feeling of exhuastion is becoming second nature. However, it is not welcomed. It is not bad enough that even on a good night Enzo wakes every 1.5-2 hours, but then he only takes cat naps of 20-30 minutes during the day! So even if I tired to "sleep when baby sleeps" by the time I fall asleep, hes up and ready to go. This is a prime example of why God made babies so cute, so you can't be too mad at them. Instead, I made the best out of my morning/afternoon. I decided I was too tired to drive around today so all my errands would be postponed until tomorrow, I am staying in today.

I have been been in the mood Quiche for weeks now. Don't ask why. Strange craving, I know. This morning I figured It was the perfect dish I could make during Enzo's nap. It is quick to put together and sooooo yummy!
All you do is mix together
3 eggs
2 egg whites
12 oz lowfat evaporated milk
pinch of salt
crumbles of cooked bacon
about 3/4 cup of shredded swiss
2 scallions
and red pepper flakes then pour them into a pre-made pie crust ( I googled a simple reciepe that only had to sit for 4 hours and ended up super flaky!) Then you bake for 45 minutes and VIOLA! Yummy, fairly healthy quiche.

After making my brunch, I felt in the baking mood so after some tummy time and story book that Enzo enjoyed eating more than me reading, I ventured back into the kitchen and decided to make some Chocolate Chip, Flax seed, Oatmeal cookies.(a wonderful idea I got my sister in-law)  I really like the flax seeds in cookies because it adds this crunch piece-y texture that I really like. These may not be to healthy and certainly do NOT help my fitness goals, but a treat every now and then is good for the soul.

For the cookies I used:
1/2 cup of butter, softened not melted
3/4 brown suger
1/2 granulated sugar
2 eggs
1 tsp vanilla
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp ground cinnamon
3 cups oats
1 1/2 flour
1/2 cup flaxseed
1 cup chocolate minis

Bake at 375 for 14 minute and then I had perfect crispy on the outside gooey on the inside cookies!

I am hoping the rain stops. I had plans to go to the park this morning but since baby and I weren't much for socializing due to lack of sleep I had thought maybe I would run again tonight. Last night was really rough, I don't know if it was the windy road or the humidity??? Granted, it did feel AWESOME after. Well my little man is up and we have lots more to explore in the house today. Until next time!