Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Oh, why Hello there August!

Did August catch up with you as fast as it did me? I swear it was just June, I do not even know what happened to July. Since I did not meet my July goals I think I'm going to just pretend July got lost somewhere out there. No sense of beating myself over something that I cannot change. Like that silly bamboo monkey says in the Lion King "It was in the past, it doesn't matter." So now, onto an Awesome August! Enzo turns 4 months this month and is doing just fabulous! He rolled over this morning for the second time. He is getting better at being alone and playing with himself for 15-20 minutes which is always just enough time for me to run through the house, pick up after honey bunny and wash the dishes. The rest of the chores are easy to do with one of those baby carriers.

In continuation of simplifying my life I've been working on Enzos room. Hes already out grown so many clothes I actually have 3 bins full of clothes!! He has this awesome book self in his room he got from his Auntie Ashley but his little baby books don't stand up neatly on it. It's been bothering me because I am an Enzo perfectionist ( I'm not a perfectionist about anything else in my life, just Enzo and his room) and it doesn't look appealing to MY eye. So here I have a mess and a bunch of diaper boxes. Whats a Momma to do?? Make awesome storage bins of course! I found this awesome little blog that helped me a ton. I will post pictures as soon as my little project is all finished.

This weekend I have plans to cross some things off my BID ( Before I Die) List. Im pretty excited. My exercising has gone down hill until this week. Life is crazy and the weather is too damn hot. With the lover working 24/7 there is no one to watch the babe during gym sessions. What is a girl to do?? I've decided to pump up my running since its something I can do with Enzo. And I am hoping it shows some results. Any hot mommas out there have any advice??

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