Keeping the "Mind over Matter" mentality is not easy. It just does not come natural to me. Always seeing the light at the end of the tunnel, the brighter sides of things, looking for the positives in negative takes conscious effort for me. I find it soooo much easier to dwell on the crap, bask in a horrible situation, or just complain about what is actually happening. Everyday, in most situations, I have to stop myself when these little evil thoughts come up and say "Hey Leah, how do you wanna live?" and then ( I am warning you right now, this is VERY corny) I respond to myself "
Positive." And I have to say it very assertively or else I might not believe myself.
I even added pleats! |
Lately, I have been real good about believing in myself. I've been enjoying the greenish grass I have. Enzo and I went to spend a few days at my moms for our own little mini "getaway." We enjoyed home cooked meals (by someone else) and my mom helped me finish a few more of my unfinished projects! WOO HOO!! I can now say I can make a shirt from a few yards of fabric, and a scarf. Now, I don't plan on going all Suzy Homemaker and making my own clothes or anything. But wow was it easy! Four maybe 5 or 6 years ago I bought this pattern and some fabric on sale with the intentions of making a shirt for an interview. I never got the interview and my shirt never made it past the cutting out the pattern phase. Turns out my arms are still to big for the sleeves I cut so I made it a sleeveless shirt instead. My honey was so surprised. He keeps telling me he loves how I am still able to surprise him. I really like that trait about myself. I am MULTIFACETED. I give credit to my mom for that. Growing up she made sure she entertained every interest I had from dance, to baton, to marine science and sign language. If I expressed an interest in it she made sure to sign me up for a class or enroll me in a group. She also never forced me to do anything so when I was done I never had to go back after I finished up whatever I committed to. This taught me two different types of lessons: first, it taught me how to hold a commitment and second, it helped create a well rounded individual. These are things I wish to teach Enzo as he grows up. I want to expose him to a multitude of "things." But not so much that he is ever over whelmed or interferes with his education. I never want to force him to do anything. However, I will be signing him up for soccer in 3 years....and then I will hope he loves it!
Made entirely from a t-shirt |
***OHHHH!! I had almost forgot! I can cross something off my BID (Before I Die) List....I was a blonde for a day! Made me realize I LOVE my dark hair and it wont be going anywhere, anytime soon.
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