Monday, September 26, 2011

Make it a family affair!

Last weekend I was talking to my hunny about all I want to accomplish and how challenging it is when I just want to give our son all of my time and energy. He came up with the GREATEST idea. Being the competitive guy he is he suggested a "challenge." He too wants to live a healthier lifestyle (which is one of the things I wanted to do) and so we decided to do it together. So every evening when he gets home from work the three of us workout everyday. We try to do something different every day. Some days well do different workouts at home, some days we will go to the beach and I will run with Enzo, and he will swim with sharks. And I even introduced him to yoga ( my fav!!).  Me being who I am decided to take this whole challenge thing UP A NOTCH and challenge myself with three simultaneous challenges to help get my life simplified.
Our beach run view

With all the baby stuff fitting it's way into our life and our house everything seems out of sorts. Instead of stressing about getting everything done I've decided to take the next few weeks and each day organize just one drawer, one closet, or one room.

I am still on the road to finish all my unfinished projects. I still can not believe how many times I start something, and then put it away to be forgotten before it is done. So now, for the next three weeks each day I work on one project. Be it reading a little to finish another book, something crafty, or an errand I've needed to take care of for a while.
One of the projects I finished this week

As for our healthy lifestyle challenge, we are working out every single day and I am cooking us one new healthy meal a day. A friend of mine introduced to the green monster and I must say I am hooked. What a great way to eat your greens! Also we have been trying new foods each week. Last week we started on a chia seed kick. These great little seeds for full or protein and Omega-3's. They are great in smoothies, soups and on yogurt. We are also getting Enzo in our healthy lifestyle! We are starting the solid food introduction and are making our own homemade organic baby food. My little herbivore just L.O.V.E's peas!!...Yuck! haha But I am glad he prefers healthy choices over sweet tastes like apples and mango's. I know it will just be a matter of time until he is a chocoholic like me....Anywho!  I know a lifestyle is a permanent change, not just three weeks. But the three weeks it just to establish a habit.

Are you looking to change a habit or two??

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