Monday, October 10, 2011

Way.Whey. Weigh.

UGH. I have never been one to be concerned about numbers. I always hated math.
And now I am here day after day agonizing over numbers. my weight. I hated it.
As if there aren't a million other things way more important than how much I weigh. But every time I go to eat a meal, snack, cook, feed Enzo, glimpse at myself in the mirror, let the dogs out, ALL THE DAMN TIME, this stupid number comes up and starts knocking on my mind. Bringing my attention to the fact I am not as small as I once was. My clothes do not fit as well as they once did. And most frustrating is my self confidence is not where it used to be. 

I got to thinking about this last night as I lay in bed, aggravated my favorite cozy pants were to tight to sleep in, that it is just so ridiculous that I have let this consume so much of my time and thoughts. I am the only one who knows my weight. I alone hold that secret number. Others can guess. They can assume. But only I know it. annnnnd why do I even know this number????

Because I torture myself by weighing myself hourly, daily, weekly, whatever.

That stops today. I have way more important things, dogs, people, to  spend my time thinking about.
I know I need to just focus on living a healthy lifestyle, and more importantly being the best mommy, partner, and friend I can be. I am tired about blogging about my weight or losing it. I just need to stop thinking about it so much. So here goes some conscious effort to stop.....until next time xoxo

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