Wednesday, July 6, 2011

To Be Thirteen

When I was thirteen....

I was boy crazy, into shopping and my friends, and would die to have straight hair. Honestly, today I can barely remember what it is like to be 25 let alone 13. It seems having a baby erased a lot of my memories, or maybe it is the complete lack of sleep! This week alone I believe I have been lucky enough to have gotten close to 15 hours of sleep total. Enzo is sleeping right now and I should be napping but instead I am taking the time to blog.

I was cleaning earlier and found my "list of things I want to do before I die" list. I remember writing this on my thirteenth birthday. I am happy to say I have completed quite a few of these:

1. Graduate High School -COMPLETED
2. Go to College-COMPLETED
3. Graduate College-COMPLETED (twice!!)
4. Buy my own house
5. Get married
6. Have kids-COMPLETED
7. Go parasailing-COMPLETED
8. Go skydiving
9. Go scuba diving in coral reefs-COMPLETED
10. Write and publish a book
11. Grow my own vegetables
12. Travel to Alaska
13. Travel to Hawaii
14. Travel to Europe
15. Go backpacking in Italy
16. Drive a Ferrari (and wear matching lipstick)
17. Go on a Cruise
18. Learn another language
19. Learn to drive a stick shift
20. Race a race car
21. Read the Bible
22. Start a library in my house-COMPLETED
23. Make a Home Video-COMPLETED... Not sure what I meant by this...but probably wanted a camcorder haha
24. Be a Blond
25. Make a scrapbook-COMPLETED
26. Learn to play tennis

I added two more things to my list at some point and wrote them on the back of my list. Looking at this list traveling will have to wait until Enzo is quite a bit older but everything else is pretty do-able. I think the next thing on this list I will get to working on is learning a new language. My fiance and his family speak Bosnian. Soon my son will be bilingual and I will even more out of the loop. And from personal experience it is pretty annoying to sit in a room while everyone else talks in a language you do not understand. Constantly asking for translation isn't any fun either, so now onto finding software that can help....

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