Monday, July 18, 2011

If you don't have anything nice to say....

I really did not want to turn my blog into a place I come to complain or vent but I feel compelled to share my feelings about a certain issue I have been dealing with lately. So listen up all you Negative Nancey's and Rude Rudolph's! "If you do not have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all!" It is as simple as that! I get that you may think that you're just a real or honest person who likes to tell it like it is, but the truth is, your classless. No one really appreciates your nonconstructive criticism. It is mean and negative and has no business being put out there into the world.Your unwanted verbal opinions engender resentment and negative feelings. If I were to enumerate character traits I value manners would top the list. I hope I can get Enzo to emulate the positive behaviors of the people around him and not the negative behaviors. I see many Disney Movie lessons in our future. In the meantime I will try to enervate the negative impact these individuals have on my life. 

Enzo says "Be nice...or else..."
In other life news, my closets are all purdy! I spent the weekend going through and organizing EVERYTHING in not just one, but our two closets. I also finished my painting project. However, when I finally completed my painting I realized it did not really go with my room decor the way I have envisioned so instead I added my work of art to my closet. 

My masterpiece is to the left
 I have been staying very active, ran over 4 miles last week and tried a Pilate's class last week (ouch). Feeling smaller, haven't weighed myself but I am hoping I am getting closer to my pre-preggo weight. I am still trying to finish The Girl Who Kicked The Hornets Nest. It is a very good book, I just have been having a hard time finding time to read lately. Between keeping up with housework, cooking, laundry, working out, and Enzo by the time I have a minute I have already passed out. I do have to thank my Hunny for all his help this weekend. I was able to catch up on a few hours of sleep finally. SOOOOOOOOOOOO wonderful!
Enzo's been a great motivation in all of this

Today has been overcast all day and I am catching up on all the things I did not get done this weekend while Enzo enjoys playing and napping. I am so lucky to have such a great kid.

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