So, Enzo turned a big 3 months yesterday! Yes, I know time just FLIES when you have a baby. I woke up to one of my baby center emails yesterday letting me know what development milestones my 3 month old will/should reach this month. Apparently, during the third month of life one learns how to grasp and roll over. Well my little over achiever has been grasping since two months and today rolled over on his own. I couldn't be more proud of him. If he could eat I would take him ice cream. Mostly because I am craving ice cream...maybe we'll go anyways.....
I have to tell you about my ESP baby center emails. I signed up to receive these emails as soon as I found out was pregnant. Weekly I'd receive an email letting me know how my baby is developing and what to expect both physically and emotionally. Throughout my pregnancy and now Enzo's life I wake up to an email and then BOOM it happens. From Enzo's first kick to my labor to Enzo's first roll my baby is simply textbook in his developments so far. I know that doesn't mean jack but it is nice to know he is not behind in anyway. Some how that gives me a sense of comfort since this is my first child and I have absolutely no idea what to expect.
In other news,in attempt to simply my life I have been systematically going through each room in our house organizing and rebelling against my pack rat ways. To be honest I have not gotten very far yet, just our kitchen and our guestroom/gym/laundry room/ storage area.Today I have entered...wait for closet. Now this is no easy feat. My closet doubles as Enzo's closet and is stocked full of baby clothes, maternity clothes, winter clothes, summer/spring clothes, crafts, teaching supplies, baby stuff, and general storage.
To make it easier on myself Ive decided to tackle this monstrosity categorically. Today I started with my "craft bin." This is where all my projects come to die. I am a habitual project starter and not project finisher (( Something I hope to discontinue)) While some projects are no longer my style; I had a couple that I wanted to bring back to life. Now I am no Picasso, but I always wanted to make a piece of art that even I would hang on my walls. So my first resurrection is my paint supplies which I plan to use to paint a picture for the bare wall in my bedroom that I've been looking for something to cover. Next up is a spoil of yard and a hook.... Yes, I am old lady, yes Golden Girls is my all time favorite TV show, and no m not afraid to admit it! I bought these all a long time ago and its been sitting in this grave of a bin ever since.
Looks like I'll have something productive to do after my workout tonight. Speaking of workout, I better get dinner started so I can head on my run before lover boy gets home!
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