Monday, July 25, 2011

When One Book Closes, Another One Opens

Finally finished my book last night! I remember the days when I could sit at work and read a book a day (ya, I had a pretty lax job) Larsson's final book was definitely the best. I love to read action, CIA type books. One of my favorite authors is Vince Flynn and his Mitch Rapp series. I also love realistic controversial stories like those from Jodi Picoult. Today I started a book that I am not to sure about. It is called the Four Agreements. It's been recommended by a few people I know but I am usually not into self-help books so I guess we'll just have to see.

In other goal reaching news, I've been running 2+ miles a day, at a turtles pace, but still. My new goal is to up it to 3 miles starting next week. Hopefully Enzo will enjoy 3 miles as much as he loves 2 miles. I am not going to lie, it is probably the company I have that keeps him occupied. My son is 3 months old and is such a flirt! He's going for the older girls already too. I can't wait for him to be old enough to cheer us on. He is going to be my little personal trainer. I already have it all figured out; he'll keep me going and afterwards we will go get frozen yogurt. I think it sounds perfect so now I just have to wait and see how he feels in a few years. haha.

I was thinking yesterday that although I am working on my short term goals I haven't made any gains on my "bucket list" or my long term goals. Therefore, this week I will pick one and get to working on crossing it off my list. I don't know what it is about drawing that line through words that makes me feel accomplished but it is great.

Words Words Words Words
(Not the same feeling)

Thursday, July 21, 2011

To Sleep Or Not to Sleep, Who Am I Kidding? I Have No Choice.

So, again Enzo decided he wanted to work a swing shift and be up the entire night. sigh. I cannot express how much I miss sleeping. This constant feeling of exhuastion is becoming second nature. However, it is not welcomed. It is not bad enough that even on a good night Enzo wakes every 1.5-2 hours, but then he only takes cat naps of 20-30 minutes during the day! So even if I tired to "sleep when baby sleeps" by the time I fall asleep, hes up and ready to go. This is a prime example of why God made babies so cute, so you can't be too mad at them. Instead, I made the best out of my morning/afternoon. I decided I was too tired to drive around today so all my errands would be postponed until tomorrow, I am staying in today.

I have been been in the mood Quiche for weeks now. Don't ask why. Strange craving, I know. This morning I figured It was the perfect dish I could make during Enzo's nap. It is quick to put together and sooooo yummy!
All you do is mix together
3 eggs
2 egg whites
12 oz lowfat evaporated milk
pinch of salt
crumbles of cooked bacon
about 3/4 cup of shredded swiss
2 scallions
and red pepper flakes then pour them into a pre-made pie crust ( I googled a simple reciepe that only had to sit for 4 hours and ended up super flaky!) Then you bake for 45 minutes and VIOLA! Yummy, fairly healthy quiche.

After making my brunch, I felt in the baking mood so after some tummy time and story book that Enzo enjoyed eating more than me reading, I ventured back into the kitchen and decided to make some Chocolate Chip, Flax seed, Oatmeal cookies.(a wonderful idea I got my sister in-law)  I really like the flax seeds in cookies because it adds this crunch piece-y texture that I really like. These may not be to healthy and certainly do NOT help my fitness goals, but a treat every now and then is good for the soul.

For the cookies I used:
1/2 cup of butter, softened not melted
3/4 brown suger
1/2 granulated sugar
2 eggs
1 tsp vanilla
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp ground cinnamon
3 cups oats
1 1/2 flour
1/2 cup flaxseed
1 cup chocolate minis

Bake at 375 for 14 minute and then I had perfect crispy on the outside gooey on the inside cookies!

I am hoping the rain stops. I had plans to go to the park this morning but since baby and I weren't much for socializing due to lack of sleep I had thought maybe I would run again tonight. Last night was really rough, I don't know if it was the windy road or the humidity??? Granted, it did feel AWESOME after. Well my little man is up and we have lots more to explore in the house today. Until next time!

Monday, July 18, 2011

If you don't have anything nice to say....

I really did not want to turn my blog into a place I come to complain or vent but I feel compelled to share my feelings about a certain issue I have been dealing with lately. So listen up all you Negative Nancey's and Rude Rudolph's! "If you do not have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all!" It is as simple as that! I get that you may think that you're just a real or honest person who likes to tell it like it is, but the truth is, your classless. No one really appreciates your nonconstructive criticism. It is mean and negative and has no business being put out there into the world.Your unwanted verbal opinions engender resentment and negative feelings. If I were to enumerate character traits I value manners would top the list. I hope I can get Enzo to emulate the positive behaviors of the people around him and not the negative behaviors. I see many Disney Movie lessons in our future. In the meantime I will try to enervate the negative impact these individuals have on my life. 

Enzo says "Be nice...or else..."
In other life news, my closets are all purdy! I spent the weekend going through and organizing EVERYTHING in not just one, but our two closets. I also finished my painting project. However, when I finally completed my painting I realized it did not really go with my room decor the way I have envisioned so instead I added my work of art to my closet. 

My masterpiece is to the left
 I have been staying very active, ran over 4 miles last week and tried a Pilate's class last week (ouch). Feeling smaller, haven't weighed myself but I am hoping I am getting closer to my pre-preggo weight. I am still trying to finish The Girl Who Kicked The Hornets Nest. It is a very good book, I just have been having a hard time finding time to read lately. Between keeping up with housework, cooking, laundry, working out, and Enzo by the time I have a minute I have already passed out. I do have to thank my Hunny for all his help this weekend. I was able to catch up on a few hours of sleep finally. SOOOOOOOOOOOO wonderful!
Enzo's been a great motivation in all of this

Today has been overcast all day and I am catching up on all the things I did not get done this weekend while Enzo enjoys playing and napping. I am so lucky to have such a great kid.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Simply Textbook

So, Enzo turned a big 3 months yesterday! Yes, I know time just FLIES when you have a baby.  I woke up to one of my baby center emails yesterday letting me know what development milestones my 3 month old will/should reach this month. Apparently, during the third month of life one learns how to grasp and roll over. Well my little over achiever has been grasping since two months and today rolled over on his own. I couldn't be more proud of him. If he could eat I would take him ice cream. Mostly because I am craving ice cream...maybe we'll go anyways.....

I have to tell you about my ESP baby center emails. I signed up to receive these emails as soon as I found out  was pregnant. Weekly I'd receive an email letting me know how my baby is developing and what to expect both physically and emotionally. Throughout my pregnancy and now Enzo's life I wake up to an email and then BOOM it happens. From Enzo's first kick to my labor to Enzo's first roll my baby is simply textbook in his developments so far. I know that doesn't mean jack but it is nice to know he is not behind in anyway. Some how that gives me a sense of comfort since this is my first child and I have absolutely no idea what to expect.

In other news,in attempt to simply my life I have been systematically going through each room in our house organizing and rebelling against my pack rat ways. To be honest I have not gotten very far yet, just our kitchen and our guestroom/gym/laundry room/ storage area.Today I have entered...wait for closet. Now this is no easy feat. My closet doubles as Enzo's closet and is stocked full of baby clothes, maternity clothes, winter clothes, summer/spring clothes, crafts, teaching supplies, baby stuff, and general storage.
 To make it easier on myself Ive decided to tackle this monstrosity categorically. Today I started with my "craft bin." This is where all my projects come to die. I am a habitual project starter and not project finisher (( Something I hope to discontinue)) While some projects are no longer my style; I had a couple that I wanted to bring back to life. Now I am no Picasso, but I always wanted to make a piece of art that even I would hang on my walls. So my first resurrection is my paint supplies which I plan to use to paint a picture for the bare wall in my bedroom that I've been looking for something to cover. Next up is a spoil of yard and a hook.... Yes, I am old lady, yes Golden Girls is my all time favorite TV show, and no m not afraid to admit it! I bought these all a long time ago and its been sitting in this grave of a bin ever since.
 Looks like I'll have something productive to do after my workout tonight. Speaking of workout, I better get dinner started so I can head on my run before lover boy gets home!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Honesty, Integrity, Self Esteem

I am sure I am one of many who have been watching the Casey Anthony trail from the beginning, and when the jury read the Not Guilty verdict I was sick to my stomach. I have not felt right since then. It occurred to me that I do not know this woman, I did not know her little girl, why is this having such an effect on me? Why is the whole country in an uproar over this case? And how did they manage to find the only 12 people in Florida who think shes innocent? ....I could not imagine being able to breathe if anything ever happened to my baby, let alone going out drinking and getting a tattoo. Even if she decided to pretend it didn't happen, it does not make sense that she lied for years BEFORE Caylee went missing. I do not feel our justice system worked in this case. I do not agree with how defense law works, and most importantly I do not know how I would explain this to my son if he was old enough to understand. You teach your children not to lie. Lying hurts people and causes pain. Casey's lies caused a nation pain, and it caused her daughters death. And next Wednesday she gets to walk free. I do not think 3 years of jail time is enough to make up for the consequences of her lies.

I cannot sit here and blame anyone in particular for Casey's behavior. I do not know why so it would be ignorant of me to speculate. What I do know is that a person should be held responsible for their actions, people need accountability. Working in the classroom I know that better than most. Children especially need to be held accountable. Accountability creates a sense of accomplishment and indirectly self worth. I suppose what I have learned from watching this trial is that how imperative it is to hold your child responsible for their actions; whether it is an unplanned pregnancy or lying about eating a cookie. These actions will translate to how your child reacts to situations and responsibilities when they are an adult. HONESTY, INTEGRITY, and SELF ESTEEM. Those are three of the most important qualities I believe a person can have and I hope and pray that I can instill them in my son.

I know I have to lead by example, so I make this promise to YOU, as Enzo grows and starts to understand what is going on I will be aware and ready to always tell the truth, always act with integrity, and believe in myself in every situation.

On a lighter note.. isnt my son adorable??

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

To Be Thirteen

When I was thirteen....

I was boy crazy, into shopping and my friends, and would die to have straight hair. Honestly, today I can barely remember what it is like to be 25 let alone 13. It seems having a baby erased a lot of my memories, or maybe it is the complete lack of sleep! This week alone I believe I have been lucky enough to have gotten close to 15 hours of sleep total. Enzo is sleeping right now and I should be napping but instead I am taking the time to blog.

I was cleaning earlier and found my "list of things I want to do before I die" list. I remember writing this on my thirteenth birthday. I am happy to say I have completed quite a few of these:

1. Graduate High School -COMPLETED
2. Go to College-COMPLETED
3. Graduate College-COMPLETED (twice!!)
4. Buy my own house
5. Get married
6. Have kids-COMPLETED
7. Go parasailing-COMPLETED
8. Go skydiving
9. Go scuba diving in coral reefs-COMPLETED
10. Write and publish a book
11. Grow my own vegetables
12. Travel to Alaska
13. Travel to Hawaii
14. Travel to Europe
15. Go backpacking in Italy
16. Drive a Ferrari (and wear matching lipstick)
17. Go on a Cruise
18. Learn another language
19. Learn to drive a stick shift
20. Race a race car
21. Read the Bible
22. Start a library in my house-COMPLETED
23. Make a Home Video-COMPLETED... Not sure what I meant by this...but probably wanted a camcorder haha
24. Be a Blond
25. Make a scrapbook-COMPLETED
26. Learn to play tennis

I added two more things to my list at some point and wrote them on the back of my list. Looking at this list traveling will have to wait until Enzo is quite a bit older but everything else is pretty do-able. I think the next thing on this list I will get to working on is learning a new language. My fiance and his family speak Bosnian. Soon my son will be bilingual and I will even more out of the loop. And from personal experience it is pretty annoying to sit in a room while everyone else talks in a language you do not understand. Constantly asking for translation isn't any fun either, so now onto finding software that can help....