Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Forever is composed of a bunch of nows

As Promised here are my 2012 resolutions. I spent a lot of time determining what I wanted to work on this year and this is what I came up with.... 
drum roll please....
This year I will       Live up to my POTENTIAL
Nothing is impossible, the word itself says “ I’m possible"
Take more RISKS. Try something NEW every week
Eat more FRESH, Healthy, GREEN foods
WORKOUT until it shows, until I’m STRONG

Double Bracket: Smile more     Grow my blog        YOGA 
Read ALL my books                    CREATE
  LEARN new things ( Crochet, Bosnian, Pull ups) 
Drink more water (8 glasses a day) 
Take Enzo to the beach more        VOLUNTEER


I do not have any super fancy design programs and I am only so-so with Word so this is as creative as my resolutions are going to look for now. And it looks much cooler on my word programs, but this gets the point across. My main goal is to improve my life so that it is one that Enzo can be proud of, Narcis will want to share, and I can look back on with no regrets and nothing but smiles.

xoxo Leah  

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