Saturday, January 28, 2012

9 months and no patty cake

Am I the only mom that feels like her child's doctors appointments are like work reviews? I feel like I am sitting down for my annual review every time Enzo's doctor sits down with me. Thankfully, I get to keep my job and get a raise every time.

The other day Enzo and I went in for our 9 month review. My little baby boy is now 29.5 inched long and 21 pounds. He has hit all his milestones for his age and is a little advanced in some as well. ( this makes me smile) However, the doctor made a comment that by this age he should be playing patty cake. Now, he said this is nothing to worry about. But I just can't help but be the slightest bit concerned.

He claps, when he feels like it. Enzo can even give you a high-five. But patty cake. nope.

Today I sat down with him and tried to play patty cake with him a few times. But the new ball pit won in the fight for his attention. Alas, we will try again tomorrow.

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