Monday, August 29, 2011

It's Not What You Look At, It's What You See

Keeping the "Mind over Matter" mentality is not easy. It just does not come natural to me. Always seeing the light at the end of the tunnel, the brighter sides of things, looking for the positives in negative takes conscious effort for me. I find it soooo much easier to dwell on the crap, bask in a horrible situation, or just complain about what is actually happening. Everyday, in most situations, I have to stop myself when these little evil thoughts come up  and say "Hey Leah, how do you wanna live?" and then ( I am warning you right now, this is VERY corny) I respond to myself  "Positive." And I have to say it very assertively or else I might not believe myself.

I even added pleats!
Lately, I have been real good about believing in myself. I've been enjoying the greenish grass I have. Enzo and I went to spend a few days at my moms for our own little mini "getaway." We enjoyed home cooked meals (by someone else) and my mom helped me finish a few more of my unfinished projects! WOO HOO!! I can now say I can make a shirt from a few yards of fabric, and a scarf. Now, I don't plan on going all Suzy Homemaker and making my own clothes or anything. But wow was it easy! Four maybe 5 or 6 years ago I bought this pattern and some fabric on sale with the intentions of making a shirt for an interview. I never got the interview and my shirt never made it past the cutting out the pattern phase. Turns out my arms are still to big for the sleeves I cut so I made it a sleeveless shirt instead. My honey was so surprised. He keeps telling me he loves how I am still able to surprise him. I really like that trait about myself. I am MULTIFACETED. I give credit to my mom for that. Growing up she made sure she entertained every interest I had from dance, to baton, to marine science and sign language. If I expressed an interest in it she made sure to sign me up for a class or enroll me in a group. She also never forced me to do anything so when I was done I never had to go back after I finished up whatever I committed to. This taught me two different types of lessons: first, it taught me how to hold a commitment and second, it helped create a well rounded individual. These are things I wish to teach Enzo as he grows up. I want to expose him to a multitude of "things." But not so much that he is ever over whelmed or interferes with his education. I never want to force him to do anything. However, I will be signing him up for soccer in 3 years....and then I will hope he loves it!
Made entirely from a t-shirt

***OHHHH!! I had almost forgot! I can cross something off my BID (Before I Die) List....I was a blonde for a day! Made me realize I LOVE my dark hair and it wont be going anywhere, anytime soon.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

A Cloud of Orange

Sorry I haven't updated in a while. Unfortunately there has not been much to update you on. I've had this nasty little black cloud following me around for a few weeks now. Today, however, I painted it ORANGE! I figure since my mood is nothing more than my state of mind than I need to take control of it and make it what I want. And I have always thought the color orange was such a happy and pretty color. So if anything is going to be following me around it needs to be happy and pretty with a little sparkle in it too.

I have so much to be grateful for. I have a fantastic little munchkin, a hard working honey, true friends, and supportive family. I truly am blessed. I believe my cloud is just full of frustration as I am trying to settle into my new life. I have always kept so busy working multiple jobs at once while going to school full time and keeping up a pretty busy social life. My brain and body was always on the go. My life now is feeling a little too habitual lately. And the monotony of everyday life has interfered with my dreams, my goals. But only because I had let it. So today I took control and started getting back on MY track. I had been working on completing some of the millions of projects I had started but never got around to finishing. I ordered something I can NOT wait to share with you all and I finished a couple of the books I was reading ( GO READ THREE CUPS OF TEA) and I finished the box I started...4 of them actually :)

This one I made from a shoe box
These I made from diaper boxes

The cloud hasn't been around me all day everyday at least. I have had many great hours with Enzo. We were playing dress up cute little monkey! He truly is the light of my life. Staying home with him is a blessing. It takes a little sacrifice to be a stay at home mom. Financially, and mentally it can be very tolling. But it is worth everything to me to be able to raise my son and I thank God everyday for all he has blessed me with.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Rule of Five

Lately there have been a number of things bothering me. I usually have no trouble keeping a positive attitude but lately I have been unable to let go of some negative feelings I have.

Bummer #1  A couple of months ago I set a few goals and I have yet to meet them

Bummer #2  Having boundary issues with family

Bummer #3 This 100 degree weather, I miss being outside, comfortably.

Many years ago someone introduced to the Rule of Five. You can use the R of 5 to help you figure out if something is worth your time. Essentially you take a situation that is bothering you, for example, your mad you can not find your shoes. Then you think, will this effect me in 5 minutes: yes, you could be late if you don't find your shoes. Will this effect me in 5 days: No, whomever will understand. Will it effect me in 5 years? No, I will not remember this.

If I look at what is bugging me only bummer #1 and 2 pass the R of 5 test. Because, in 5 years if I don't solve these two issues there will be problems. Bummer #1 I know how to fix, I need to stop being lazy and really get on the ball. I have have set my goals and I know what I need to do. I just need to do it. Bummer #2 I just am at a loss for at the moment.  Come on Universe I need your help!
In Baby News Enzo is 4 months old today! I can not believe a short four months is is all that has passed. In some ways I feel like the time has flown by, in other ways I feel like he has always been apart of my life. Which, I guess in a way its true. He has been there the entire time of my new mommy life.
Day 1
1 Month

2 Months

3 Months    

Today, 4 Months

Monday, August 8, 2011

House Rules

1. If you open it, close it

2. If you turn it on, turn it off

3. If you break it, fix it

4. If you take it out, put it back

5. If you borrow it, return it

6. If you make a mess, clean it

7. If you have nothing nice to say, shut up

8. If it cries, love it

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Thoughts on Thursday

My grandparents have been married for over 60 years! 60 years! I can not even imagine how long that is because I have yet to be alive for even half of that time. Meet my grandpa today and he'll brag about how long him and my grandma have been together; and with good reason too. Divorce in this country seems to be just as prevalent as marriage it self. I myself have had to deal with the effects of divorce from a couple different perspectives. And if your one of the very few who haven't been personally affected by divorce let me tell you, it is not any fun.

After a string of failed relationships I asked my parents, who are divorced, "How do you know if you met the right one?" I expected to be laughed at, or ridiculed as both are not very lucky in the L-O-V-E department. But to my surprise they separately told me that infamous line..."you'll just know." WHAT THE HELL DOES THAT MEAN??

Let me tell you what it means.....It means "you'll just know"! You cannot describe it, the closest I can get to describing it, is it is like the love you have for your child, but different. It is like falling in love with a part of you that you did not know you had. It can happen randomly in the library at school, or at the grocery store. You just never know when, but once it just know, you know just know you met your match.

Happily Married After A Million Years!

Pops, Me, Momma

My Match and I knew each other since high school, way after college and a couple failed relationships later we became really close friends and then one happened. I realized he wasn't just there when we were together, he somehow became a part of me. A better part of me. Yes we fight, we say mean things; but when I see those socks on the floor, and I turn red with anger because Ive told him a million times to put them in the hamper, I stop. Sit down. And remember that I rather have those socks on the floor because it means he's here, than to not have them at all.
One of our first "coupled" pictures

I am one lucky women to have such a great, loving, caring, and giving man in my life. He works so hard for our family and sacrifices so much. I appreciate him. I wish more men were like him so that more women could be this happy.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Oh, why Hello there August!

Did August catch up with you as fast as it did me? I swear it was just June, I do not even know what happened to July. Since I did not meet my July goals I think I'm going to just pretend July got lost somewhere out there. No sense of beating myself over something that I cannot change. Like that silly bamboo monkey says in the Lion King "It was in the past, it doesn't matter." So now, onto an Awesome August! Enzo turns 4 months this month and is doing just fabulous! He rolled over this morning for the second time. He is getting better at being alone and playing with himself for 15-20 minutes which is always just enough time for me to run through the house, pick up after honey bunny and wash the dishes. The rest of the chores are easy to do with one of those baby carriers.

In continuation of simplifying my life I've been working on Enzos room. Hes already out grown so many clothes I actually have 3 bins full of clothes!! He has this awesome book self in his room he got from his Auntie Ashley but his little baby books don't stand up neatly on it. It's been bothering me because I am an Enzo perfectionist ( I'm not a perfectionist about anything else in my life, just Enzo and his room) and it doesn't look appealing to MY eye. So here I have a mess and a bunch of diaper boxes. Whats a Momma to do?? Make awesome storage bins of course! I found this awesome little blog that helped me a ton. I will post pictures as soon as my little project is all finished.

This weekend I have plans to cross some things off my BID ( Before I Die) List. Im pretty excited. My exercising has gone down hill until this week. Life is crazy and the weather is too damn hot. With the lover working 24/7 there is no one to watch the babe during gym sessions. What is a girl to do?? I've decided to pump up my running since its something I can do with Enzo. And I am hoping it shows some results. Any hot mommas out there have any advice??