My grandparents have been married for over 60 years!
60 years! I can not even imagine how long that is because I have yet to be alive for even half of that time. Meet my grandpa today and he'll brag about how long him and my grandma have been together; and with good reason too. Divorce in this country seems to be just as prevalent as marriage it self. I myself have had to deal with the effects of divorce from a couple different perspectives. And if your one of the
very few who haven't been personally affected by divorce let me tell you, it is not any fun.
After a string of failed relationships I asked my parents, who are divorced, "How do you know if you met the right
one?" I expected to be laughed at, or ridiculed as both are not very lucky in the
L-O-V-E department. But to my surprise they separately told me that
infamous line..."you'll just know." WHAT THE HELL DOES THAT MEAN??
Let me tell you what it means.....It means "
you'll just know"! You cannot describe it, the closest I can get to describing it, is it is like the love you have for your child, but different. It is like falling in love with a part of you that you did not know you had. It can happen randomly in the library at school, or at the grocery store. You just never know when, but once it happens...
you just know, you know just know you met your match.
Happily Married After A Million Years! |
Pops, Me, Momma |
My Match and I knew each other since high school, way after college and a couple failed relationships later we became really close friends and then one day...
it happened. I realized he wasn't just there when we were together, he somehow became a part of me. A better part of me. Yes we fight, we say mean things; but when I see those socks on the floor, and I turn red with anger because Ive told him a million times to put them in the hamper, I stop. Sit down. And remember that I rather have those socks on the floor because it means he's here, than to not have them at all.
One of our first "coupled" pictures |
I am one lucky women to have such a great, loving, caring, and giving man in my life. He works so hard for our family and sacrifices so much. I appreciate him. I wish more men were like him so that more women could be this happy.