Sunday, June 26, 2011

In Order To Begin You Must Start

Recently I gave birth to my son, Enzo. My life has been given a brand new start as I enter the world of "mommyhood." These last few months have really opened my eyes to who I am and what I really want out of life. I have spent most of life with loose dreams of what I want to do and what I want to be. In the past I have been OK with how things have panned out but was always left wanting more.

I realized that I don't want that for my son. I want him to go after his dreams and not feel scared or alone to do so. I spent many of those first all nighters with my newborn thinking about how I can teach him to be a "go getter" and provide him with the skills necessary to always follow his dreams; when it hit me like a ton of bricks! I need to be a "go getter" I need to teach him by example. So I sat down on morning and made a list of all the dreams I have for my life. I separated it into short term and long term. This is what I have so far:

1. Start a blog
2. Read all the books in my personal library
3. Run a 5k
4. Be happy with my body
5. Simplify my life

1. Receive my masters degree
2. Figure out a "career" that allows me to raise my son
3. Marry the love of my life
4. Be completely debt free

I found just putting it all on paper took such a weight off my shoulders. A friend of mine once told me that if you don't put it into the universe, God wont know what you want...or something to that affect. Anywho! Today's the first day of the rest of my life, and I am putting it out there, and starting to follow my dreams and it all starts with this blog. My intentions are to hold myself accountable to YOU. Yes, all of YOU out there in the universe.


  1. LOVE ITTTT LEAH!!! Everything you said is SO TRUE! The "debt free" is a huge one for me.. That'll make all of my STRESS go away lol Keep up the blog, I love it! PS: You wanna go skydiving with me? lol I really wanna do that before I croak lol

  2. Yes! Skydiving is on my "bucket list"
