Wednesday, November 9, 2011

It's Just One of Those Days

I know I am not the only SAHM that has days like mine today. Days where you're tired of cleaning up, tired of never ending laundry, tired of always being the one being depended on for everything. I am just so. damn. tired.

 I get that this is my "job" and all but what others **AHEM..hunny..** don't always seem to understand is I NEVER get a lunch break, I never have a day off, I don't get PTO. Every minute I have in the day is taken up by some chore or someone else.

Most of the time I have no problem with this. Majority of the time I actually enjoy it. I love staying home with my son. I love when he falls asleep in my arms as I rock him to bed every night. It is just that, like everyone else, I need a break sometimes. But if I take a break from cleaning up after my "roommates" it just piles up and is more work for me another day. And lets face it, its impossible to take a break from being a mom. All I want is to go work out, come home to my clean house, take a nice looooooong, uninterupted shower, curl up on the couch, alone, TV off, and read my book. What I wouldn't give for 5 hours of peace and alone quite! Of course if I spent the entire night before up with Enzo, and 7 hours cleaning up that morning, that 5 hours of "peace" is wasted as I just try to de-stress and muster up some amount of energy.

I feel so guilty complaining. I have so much to be happy and thankful for and I really am. I am just having one of those days where I with I was here..
Oh to dream! 
xoxo -Leah

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Enzo's been sleeping a lot today, poor thing got his shots yesterday. This happens every time he gets shots, he sleeps a ton the next day. Normally I'd want him to be up during the day but I had a To-Do List a mile long today as I was under the weather all weekend. As I was cleaning up today I had on OWN on the TV and was listening to some of the most disturbing stories. Stories of mothers who lost all their children, young girls forced into prostitution. Sick. Sick stories. Even worse they are true stories. It made me not only feel sad for these women but it made me really see how blessed I am. I am so thankful for my life.
For my son, 
my hunny, 
our families, 
my friends,
my dogs, 
our health,
our safety. 
I am thankful for so much. 

During November I go through my clothes and take items to goodwill and donate food to food pantry's. Since I am not working this year and funds are low I don't know how much I will be able to give. I do know that any bit I give is more than others have. I urge everyone to go through their closets and if you haven't worn it in a year, donate it! Have a recipe for cookies that your dying to try but don't want to eat them all?? Bake 'em and bring them to a hospital or church. Actually I don't know if they take random foods but its an idea a friend of mine had and it sounded great to me!

I am so excited for the next couple of months. So much happiness in store. This weekend coming up my brother is marrying the love of his life and I could. not. be. happier! Then we've got family birthdays and Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, Christmas, New Years! And all the fun in between! Tiring just thinking about it....time for bed. xoxo

Most thankful for my son